Romulea Autistic Football Club
Inclusive football team consisting of male and female youth and adults, on and out of the autism spectrum, educators and family members.
Sport and Autism, from a scientific diagnosis to the CREation of a pedagogical European model. To aims at improving the daily lives of people on the autism spectrum by promoting the inclusive practice of sport activities. Read the full article
Press event for the launch of Sacree project in Rome. Watch the event.
Tv piece on the project in the Rai3 programme!

International Dimension
Presentation of the inclusive football project at the Autism-Europe international congress.
Tournaments and Awards
A long way, a lot of satisfaction and an important message of awareness and inclusion.
WAAD - World Autism Awareness Day
2 April: call for “A happy journey through life” for people on the autism spectrum and their families.
Why Inclusive Football?
A formal project, a sports association, CONI recognition; a path to active responsibility in the project, a contribution to psychophysical development through the game of football, focusing on interaction, self-esteem, self-irony, commitment, perseverance and team spirit.
Break Barriers Together for Autism
The project incorporates the UN CRPD, in particular Article 30 for participation in recreation, leisure and sport. The project has as its future goal the participation in a competitive championship of one or more seasons from provincial to national level and the inclusion of other persons on and out of the autism spectrum. We are creating a children's team too.
Sport, Education and Inclusion
The project involves a large part of the population of all age groups because football is a popular sport, a meeting point between educators and people on the autism spectrum. Being a team sport, it naturally promotes the implementation of social skills. A competitive sport educates to compete. Team building empowers and activates its players, facilitating processes of inclusion, self-determination, self-advocacy and autonomy. Sporting activity promotes psychophysical well-being.
Inclusion is further promoted by adherence to FIFA football regulations and not to special disability regulations.
Inclusion is further promoted by adherence to FIFA football regulations and not to special disability regulations.

We in the media
A football team taking the field against the toughest opponent: disability and indifference. These are the main motivations that drive the idea, the conviction to convey through a universal sport like football a message of inclusion with the philosophy that it can be done.