Press release – Launch of Sacree project about sport and autism - Rome, 17/10/2022

Press release – Rome, 17/10/2022
Sport and Autism, from a scientific diagnosis to the CREation of a pedagogical European model

On October 17th, 2022 in Rome the partners of Sacree launched the project by a press event. Welcome was by Pietro Cirrincione, Romulea Autistic Football Club captain and Gruppo Asperger board member, and Nicola Vilella, SS Romulea president.

Cirrincione presented the context, objectives and future results and said “The Sacree program aims at improving the daily lives of people on the autism spectrum by promoting the inclusive practice of sport activities. Running for 36 months, until 2025, the project is funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Sport Program.

Every European partner explained its own national experience about sport and autism. Pietro Cirrincione from Italy about Romulea Autistic Football Club. Clément Chiron about FSASPTT from France. Sidney Grosprêtre, Associate Professor of C3S (Culture, Sport, Health and Society Laboratory of Université Franche-Comté) about the co-construction of an evidence-based pedagogical model, built on a scientific comparative study and field-tests carried out in different environments and countries. Nikola Tadić about CUAA (Croatian Union of Associations for Autism). Ana Albuquerque from Portugal about Inovar Autismo. Carmen Clemente about Autism-Europe.

The representatives of FIGC and FIR (Italian Federations of Football and Rugby) attended the event. They accepted the call for a census of existing projects and said “There are initiatives in our federations about autism that we let you know and also we’ll raise awareness among sport clubs, their staff and practitioners in order to implement your European model”.

Journalist of Italian public TV channel Rai3 said “We plan an episode of our TV show “O anche no” about autism and sport”.

The event was also live streamed with many participant across all Europe and beyond, you can watch recording on

After the press event, participant attended a live training of Romulea Autistic Football Club.

All slides of presentation:

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